“We exemplify a learning community rooted in a strong Catholic Christian ethics and tradition that shape the life of a world class knowledge-based citizen, capacitated in a multi-disciplinary education system continuously evolving ourselves to be responsive and relevant to the needs of time in a domestic and international work setting.”
“We model superior academic performance recognized for its professional integrity established in a Catholic Christian environment as we aspire to produce the next generation leaders and entrepreneurs confidently and competitively prepared through research, training and education to deliver the required global competencies in the labour market.”
- Recruit and retain competent faculty, academic and service-oriented
staff and student population. - Provide scholarship opportunities and research and development productivity.
- Expand infrastructure and support system including technological innovation for research, teaching, service and community partnership.
- Preserve a climate of harmony and human dignity.
- Model quality instruction and student mentoring.

Our Core Values
OUR CORE VALUES define our norms and conduct to achieve our mission and vision, thus WE passionately practice the following traits:
I – N – N – 0 – V- A – T- I – O – N
I – Integrity and Initiative to Inspire for Creativity across all levels of Engagement
N – Nurture and strengthen our 4 Pillars for Success – Plans, People, Processes and Performance
N – Nourishment and sustainability of our Successes and Milestones
O – Outstanding Talents and Team-Spirit for Greatness
V – Value for Excellence: Execute and Model Superior Performance and Achievements
A – Adaptability to the changing demands of Education within the Limits of our Time and Resources
T – Tenacity to pursue after the Best Practices of the Industry
I – Innovation: Ingenuity and improvement for Life Success
O – Operational Excellence through Oneness of Mission, Vision and Action by All
N – Networking, partnership and collaboration to prosper us all to promote camaraderie and Productivity within the HCC Family