Responding the call


A felt need for renewal is indeed very pronounced in the present life of the Catholic Church in the Philippines. This was initially sounded off by the Second Plenary Council and continues to be sounded off from all corners of the archipelago.

A response then has to be made. The response, even if it must start at the individual level has to go beyond into an organizational level. Every parishioner in the archdiocese has to respond to this call but he/she cannot do this alone. We have to act collectively and in the same direction. And in so doing, a blueprint is needed. The Archdiocesan Pastoral Plan is the blueprint.

The Archdiocese of Palo, then realizing that the time is now for the implementation of these changes in the context of its present realities, hereby presents its ARCHDIOCESAN PASTORAL PLAN.

A sense of direction can only be achieved once an organization has an articulated vision statement. A vision serves as the ultimate reason for the existence of an organization. It is an ideal state of being which every member must strive to become even if it may never be attained at all during his/her lifetime.


We, the people of the Archdiocese of Palo envision to become:
A people of God, a community of disciples, nourished by God’s word and the Sacraments, witnessing to the gospel values and celebrating the Christ event of liberation for the realization of His kingdom in the Archdiocese.

Once the communal vision is formulated and expressed, the seeds of desire to reach it is born among the members of the organization. This desire is concretely expressed in the set of values that each member of the archdiocese commit to live by so as to attain the vision. A commitment. therefore, is what one believes in and stands for. In their totality. this commitment spells out the mission of the organization.

Since or vision was achieved after much discernment and prayer, we are confident that it expresses God’s will for us. Our commitment are our response to that will. In this light, therefore. we make this statement.


We, the people in the Archdiocese of Palo, commit to live by the following values:

  • faithfulness and growth in our prayer life;
  • radical openness in living and proclaiming the word of God;
  • celebrating of the sacraments in an authentic and meaningful way;
  • the building, strengthening and sustaining of Christian community life
  • and sharing in diverse forms of service especially for the poor.

The vision cannot be fully achieved. However, it the members are serious in living out their commitments or mission. it can be closely approximated. In pursuing the common vision, the members usually ask the following questions: What is the organization trying to achieve? What results are we seeking? What precisely are the changes to be introduced in today ’s situation? The response to these questions gives us the total goal of an organization. Goal, therefore, is the direction the members of an organization take to live their commitments in order to reach the vision.


We, the people of God in the Archdiocese ofPalo, will harness all our strength, efforts and resources to promote spiritual-theological-pastoral renewal in the entire archdiocese towards total human liberation.

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